Level 3 function that removes some colonies from the MultiColony object based on their ID.

  ID = NULL,
  n = NULL,
  p = NULL,
  by = NULL,
  removeTop = FALSE





character or numeric, ID of a colony (one or more) to be removed


numeric, number of colonies to remove


numeric, percentage of colonies removed (takes precedence over n)


matrix, matrix of values to select by with names being colony IDs (can be obtained with calcColonyValue. If NULL, the colonies are removed at random. This parameter is used in combination with n or p to determine the number of removed colonies, and removeTop to determine whether to remove the best or the worst colonies.


logical, remove highest (lowest) values if TRUE (FALSE)


MultiColony-class with some colonies removed


founderGenomes <- quickHaplo(nInd = 5, nChr = 1, segSites = 100)
SP <- SimParamBee$new(founderGenomes)
mean <- c(10, 10 / SP$nWorkers)
varA <- c(1, 1 / SP$nWorkers)
corA <- matrix(data = c(
  1.0, -0.5,
  -0.5, 1.0
), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
varE <- c(3, 3 / SP$nWorkers)
varA / (varA + varE)
#> [1] 0.25 0.25
SP$addTraitADE(nQtlPerChr = 100,
               mean = mean,
               var = varA, corA = corA,
               meanDD = 0.1, varDD = 0.2, corD = corA,
               relAA = 0.1, corAA = corA)
SP$setVarE(varE = varE)

basePop <- createVirginQueens(founderGenomes)
#> Error in get(x = "SP", envir = .GlobalEnv): object 'SP' not found

drones <- createDrones(x = basePop[1:4], nInd = 100)
#> Error in get(x = "SP", envir = .GlobalEnv): object 'SP' not found
droneGroups <- pullDroneGroupsFromDCA(drones, n = 10, nDrones = 10)
#> Error in get(x = "SP", envir = .GlobalEnv): object 'SP' not found
apiary <- createMultiColony(basePop[2:5], n = 4)
#> Error in createMultiColony(basePop[2:5], n = 4): object 'basePop' not found
apiary <- cross(apiary, drones = droneGroups[1:4])
#> Error in get(x = "SP", envir = .GlobalEnv): object 'SP' not found
apiary <- buildUp(apiary)
#> Error in get(x = "SP", envir = .GlobalEnv): object 'SP' not found
#> Error in getId(apiary): object 'apiary' not found

getId(removeColonies(apiary, ID = 1))
#> Error in is(x, class2 = "MultiColony"): object 'apiary' not found
getId(removeColonies(apiary, ID = c("3", "4")))
#> Error in is(x, class2 = "MultiColony"): object 'apiary' not found

#> Error in "MultiColony" %in% class(multicolony): object 'apiary' not found
apiary <- removeColonies(apiary, ID = "2")
#> Error in is(x, class2 = "MultiColony"): object 'apiary' not found
#> Error in "MultiColony" %in% class(multicolony): object 'apiary' not found

# How to remove colonies based on colony values?
# Obtain colony phenotype
colonyPheno <- calcColonyPheno(apiary)
#> Error in get(x = "SP", envir = .GlobalEnv): object 'SP' not found
# Remove the worst colony
removeColonies(apiary, n = 1, by = colonyPheno)
#> Error in is(x, class2 = "MultiColony"): object 'apiary' not found