Level 0 function that returns breeding values of individuals in a caste.

getBv(x, caste = NULL, nInd = NULL, collapse = FALSE, simParamBee = NULL)

getQueenBv(x, collapse = FALSE, simParamBee = NULL)

getFathersBv(x, nInd = NULL, collapse = FALSE, simParamBee = NULL)

getVirginQueensBv(x, nInd = NULL, collapse = FALSE, simParamBee = NULL)

getWorkersBv(x, nInd = NULL, collapse = FALSE, simParamBee = NULL)

getDronesBv(x, nInd = NULL, collapse = FALSE, simParamBee = NULL)



Pop-class, Colony-class, or MultiColony-class


NULL or character, NULL when x is a Pop-class, and character when x is a Colony-class or MultiColony-class with the possible values of "queen", "fathers", "workers", "drones", "virginQueens", or "all"


numeric, number of individuals to access, if NULL all individuals are accessed, otherwise a random sample


logical, if the return value should be a single matrix with breeding valued of all the individuals


SimParamBee, global simulation parameters


vector of breeding values when x is Colony-class

and list of vectors of breeding values when x is

MultiColony-class, named by colony id when x is


# Not exporting this function, since the theory behind it is not fully developed


  • getQueenBv(): Access breeding value of the queen

  • getFathersBv(): Access breeding values of fathers

  • getVirginQueensBv(): Access breeding values of virgin queens

  • getWorkersBv(): Access breeding values of workers

  • getDronesBv(): Access breeding values of drones

See also

bv and vignette(topic = "QuantitativeGenetics", package = "SIMplyBee")